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Heights Students Tour Cleveland Farm
Heights Students Tour Cleveland Farm

Some Heights students extended their school day Tuesday with a field trip to an urban farm in Cleveland. Rid-All Green Partnership, nestled in the Kinsman Neighborhood, is on the site of what was once a dumping ground, but now is full of life.

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Gearity teacher Joe Mendes and Heights High teacher and Environmental Club Advisor Steve Warner organized the trip, which included elementary and high school students, district staff, principals, teachers, parents and members of the Sustainability Working Group. SWG is working in partnership with the District to include sustainable measures in the renovation of the high school.

Heights High Junior Hunter Scott joined in the field trip, helping the Rid-All staff conduct the tour. She worked at the site during the summer and gained valuable knowledge about the importance of respecting the environment and green living. “This experience has made me interested in wanting to go into some form of environmental science when I graduate,” Hunter said.

Students got to see Tilapia fish, tomato plants and other vegetation.

Rid-All is only four years old. Its name derives from ridding or freeing yourself of worries and filling it with positivity. And good food fits that model. The farm provides healthy, local food to area institutions and citizens, and trains others in agriculture. Rid-All welcomes volunteers to get up close and personal with nature. Visit the Rid-All website.