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RoxARTS Brings Yoga, Theater To Classrooms

Feb. 16, 2017 -- A variety of artistic and holistic activities are happening in Roxboro Elementary classrooms and on the stage, thanks in great part to RoxARTS.

In January, SignStage with William Morgan and company kicked off with an assembly titled D.E.A.F., an acronym for Dedicated to the Elimination of Assumptions and Fallacies about deafness. It seemed like a complicated topic for primary students, but turned out to be informative and entertaining for all grades.

Four students participated by either signing words or interpreting signed words by the performers.

Rox El student performing in theater residency

This was followed up by a residency for first graders who put together a scene in American Sign Language using dialog from Roxboro’s choice book in the “One School, One Book” program, Kenny and the Dragon. After two visits, SignStage will have first graders presenting their own play in sign language.

Meanwhile, third graders at Roxboro are being lead by Laura Gray in a program she developed titled “I-Pride.” This creative process has an I-Pride Fit component and an I-Pride Write component. Both involve self-centered wellness in body and mind, with openings of breathing exercises for relaxation and concentration and a self-hug as the closing gesture. The students particularly liked learning yoga, most for the first time.

Rox El students do yoga

Downward Dog, Happy Baby, Half Lord of the Fishes, The Eagle, and Half Moon were among the poses that the children worked on as they learned to focus and relax within themselves.

Fourth grade went to the theatre, literally. The Ensemble Theatre is presenting The Phantom Tollbooth at Coventry and our fourth graders visited the set. In four groups, the students were led by the actors through a series of theatre exercises, learning about set piece construction, props, make-up, projection and character development. This experience was reinforced by a visit from the troupe to the four 4th grade classrooms with additional exercises, such as role playing with props and improvisation and acting out their favorite foods in pantomime. Using a beachball to pass around the room and when caught, the student has to continue the story that began with the first toss.

RoxARTS is a non-profit support organization which this year has enlarged its scope to include Monticello and Reaching Heights, as well as supporting arts enrichment for Roxboro Elementary and Roxboro Middle School as they have for decades.

Annually, they sponsor a very fun adult auction and benefit that raises funds which go right back into the schools. This year’s auction is being planned for late spring.