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Impact of Educational Redlining on the Heights Communities
Impact of Educational Redlining on the Heights Communities

Heights Community Congress (HCC) will host a forum on Educational Redlining-School Ratings, at the Heights Library, 2345 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights on Friday, April 24 at 7 p.m. The focus of the event will be on arbitrary ratings like those from GreatSchools and how event organizer Ralph Day says the ratings can steer home seekers away from the Heights community. The event is free and open to the public.

Reservations are appreciated by calling HCC at 216.321.6775 or by visiting:

The forum will include a panel discussion with participation from Cleveland Heights-University Heights staff members: Angee Shaker, Director of Communications and Engagement and Sandy Womack, Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Other panelists include: Jan Resseger, a Cleveland Heights resident who frequently writes about education issues and Ralph Day, an historical researcher for Heights Community Congress.

Day will explain who GreatSchools is, the flaws of their "metrics", and show screens shots of the ratings from real estate companies that use the GreatSchools formula. “ I'll describe our concerns about the adverse impact on our community,” Day stated.

Dr. Tameka Taylor of Compass Consulting will guide the audience with the goal of it being an interactive discussion.

Heights Community Congress is an advocate of social justice, a monitor of fair housing practices and a facilitator for building strong diverse communities.
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