Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District News Article

Weekly Free Produce Pickup at Heights High May 28-June 25

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May 26, 2020 -- The District has been chosen to receive 200,000 pounds of produce to give to our families and community members, thanks to the Farmers to Families program.  


Heights High School will serve as the pickup spot from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or until supplies run out) on May 28, June 4, June 11, June 18 and June 25. Recipients should enter off of Washington, drive through, pop their trunk, and a 20 pound box of assorted produce will be placed inside by a staff member or volunteer. The boxes typically contain items such as apples, potatoes, carrots, onions, and strawberries, but can vary. There will be no paperwork or anything to show; just drive up and receive a box of fresh food.
Event organizers ask that patrons wear masks. Boxes will not be placed in the backseats of vehicles. If the vehicle trunk doesn't have sufficient room for the produce box, the driver will be asked to exit the site in order to clear out their trunk.
This initiative is thanks to Mr. Ted Copeland, father of Roxboro Middle School teacher Dani Copeland. Mr. Copeland owns Perfect Pact, which received a grant from the USDA to make our District a site for Farmers to Families.
"I sincerely thank Mr. Copeland for thinking of Tiger Nation and putting fresh food in the hands of our families," said Superintendent Liz Kirby. "This is a very rough time for many of our families, so we are extremely appreciative of this support."
The original plan was to give away 1,200 boxes per event, but the quantity has since been increased to 2,000 boxes. Any leftover boxes will be distributed to local food banks.

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