Sept. 9, 2020 -- As of today, there are three weeks remaining to complete the 2020 U.S. Census. The Census happens every 10 years and shapes funding, representation, and more for our community.
Your Census input is confidential and you can complete the Census online, by phone, or using the form you received in the mail. Census workers will be coming to the doors of those who have not yet completed the Census. To complete the Census without having in-person contact, visit or call 1-844-330-2020.
As an incentive, the mayor of the Cuyahoga County community with the largest census response increase by September 30 will receive Honey Hut ice cream to donate to the nonprofit of their choice. The Census Ice Cream Challenge is funded by Complete Count CLE.

Watch: U.S. Bureau of Census Partnership Specialist Audrey Wynne discusses the importance of the Census and explains the various processes involved in collecting Census data.