Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District News Article

Celebrating Father's Walk

Sep. 24, 2024 -- Father’s Walk is an initiative across the country to actively engage fathers or other male adults in their children's educational lives. Their visible presence of fathers and men in school settings is seen as a commitment to their child’s education.

In Cuyahoga County, an annual fall Fathers Walk is organized by the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative and the Department of Health and Human Services. Across the CH-UH district, various schools celebrate their Fathers’ Walk in different ways, with many combining it into a Donuts for Grown-Ups type event.

Roxboro Middle School Principal Rebekah Sharpe and Dean of Students Almad Allen welcomed dozens of fathers and other family members to enjoy donuts and coffee with their children, before walking them to their lockers or first period classrooms.

Students and their family members took a moment to pose for photos outside the building with a Stay in the Game sign from the Cleveland Browns highlighting the importance of regular school attendance. Photos were taken by a Rox Mid father, who also works as the Multimedia Manager for Cuyahoga County, who will be sharing images on the county’s social media channels. 

Principal Sharpe’s own father even attended, proving that you never outgrow the benefits of having a dad around!

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