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CH-UH Recognizes Tiger Team Members of the Month for April
May 2, 2024 -- The theme across the CH-UH School District this year is Believe. In that spirit, each month CH-UH is recognizing employees who go above and beyond to inspire one another to "believe" and create a culture of excellence in our district.

For April, CH-UH is honoring 12 individuals/groups as the “Tiger Team Members of the Month”. Each honoree was nominated by a colleague--and in some instances multiple colleagues--and the nominees were then voted upon by a staff committee.

The honorees will be recognized at the Board of Education regular meeting on Thursday, May 9.

BOE/Bus Depot/Millikin: Joyce Bukovac
As our math instructional specialist, Joyce has demonstrated exceptional leadership during this year's math curriculum pilot. Her remarkable organizational skills and clear communication have ensured smooth operations and understanding among all stakeholders. The Board of Education was left astounded by her thorough presentation of the curriculum. Beyond this, Joyce has spearheaded the creation of a Math OST Curated Database, enriching student discourse. These achievements represent just a fraction of Joyce's remarkable contributions to our district over her 33 years of service at Heights.

Boulevard: Kyla Burks
Kyla Burks is all about the students! She not only works with them as a lunchroom non-paraprofessional, but spends time within the classrooms working with students on academics and controlling behaviors. Kyla is a professional singer and has sung songs from Disney for some of our students. Kyla is a much loved member of Boulevard!

Canterbury: Dr. Erica Wigton
Dr. Wigton models servant leadership for the building and has gone above and beyond in ensuring all students and staff feel safe, welcome, valued, and appreciated. Her leadership has been instrumental in fostering the climate we have!

Delisle/TVA/IT: Dr. Kristie Cooper
Dr. Kristie is a fantastic human being who supersedes expectations when it comes to anticipating her students' needs. 

Fairfax: Geoglander Bishop
Ms. Bishop is a dedicated paraprofessional at Fairfax. She always shows up, ready to take on the day with a positive attitude. She has dedicated many years to Fairfax and her students, and comes back each year better than the last. Her experience is helpful to teachers, students and substitutes. Ms. Bishop steps up to the plate without being asked and is involved in many students' lives other than just the ones in her classroom. She is a team player and will help in any setting. Fairfax would not be the same without her knowledge and resiliency in the classroom.

Gearity: Kelly Cooper
Kelly Cooper is such a team player. At any given time you can see Kelly running around Gearity to help all teachers. If someone needs assistance... COOPER APPEARS! Kelly does an outstanding job of motivating her students to do their best. They know they can trust Ms. Cooper! Therefore, students feel comfortable taking risks and are not afraid to make mistakes. We co-teach everyday. This gives me the opportunity as a teacher to learn from another educator, and my students get another approach to learn the same curriculum. We are lucky to have Kelly Cooper on our staff!

Heights High: Jamaya Greer
As a success coach, student teacher, and substitute teacher, Mrs. Greer maintains excellence and professionalism in her work. Mrs. Greer greets students with a smile on her face and a positive, encouraging attitude that lets each student know she believes in their ability to achieve greatness.

Monticello: Anthony Provenzale 
Mr. Provenzale has dedicated 40 years to teaching. Since I have been working with him, for the last two years, I have witnessed him put the needs of students and teachers before himself. Provenzale treats all with kindness and high regard.

Noble: Nicole Nalepa & Alexia Boyles
These teachers have gone above and beyond with their collaborative efforts. They have been instrumental in assisting a long term sub with planning lessons and assessments. During TBT, they share instructional strategies that consistently support student growth and achievement. Both Nicole and Alexia believe in their team, students and support staff!

Oxford: Jerren Jennings
It is very clear that Mr. J has an excellent rapport with the students at Oxford. He has taken the time to get to know each student and build relationships with the families at Oxford. His dedication to our students is unparalleled. He is in attendance for EVERY event. He is an excellent male role model for our students and I am happy to have him in our presence.

Rox El: Malik Daniels
Mr. Daniels is an an amazing teacher, mentor, and role model. He takes extra time to support his students, other teachers' students, and other teachers. He goes above and beyond to support the school community. Mr. Daniels' teaching and mentoring is effective, impactful, and inspiring.

Rox Mid: Wendy Ward Woodard
Wendy's leadership of Sunshine Committee this year has been flawless! She has made everyone in our building feel loved, seen, and appreciated throughout the year. She has done all she can to lift morale, particularly during difficult times. Wendy also brings so much to the 8th grade team with her creativity and sense of fun. Finally, Wendy supports all students through NJHS and Ladies of Leadership, as well as all staff as a union rep. She is truly such an important part of the Rox Mid family.