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The White House Takes Over the Heights
Sept. 7, 2023 -- Gearity Elementary School staff and students recently welcomed an impactful guest speaker all the way from Washington, D.C. On August 30, Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves met with students and talked about how his department works to support STEM fields, such as granting patents and overseeing the National Weather Service. He shared pictures of himself working with Presidents Obama and Biden. Students were excited to learn they could someday work at Intel - which Secretary Graves’ department helped bring to Columbus - and make more than $100,000 a year.

During the Q and A portion of his visit, one student asked Secretary Graves who is the most interesting person he’s worked with. The students were impressed to learn that Secretary Graves had collaborated with Lady Gaga on domestic violence issues.

Perhaps the most exciting part about the visit? Students learned that Secretary Graves’ family lives in Cleveland Heights on Cedar Road!