Oct. 25, 2016 -- Fourth graders at Roxboro Elementary demonstrated the school’s new fitness circuit equipment for representatives of PPG Industries. The school was able to purchase the equipment thanks to a grant from the PPG Foundation.
The students in Mr. Nemeth’s physical education class began their lesson on October 20 by warming up and stretching. Mr. Nemeth then showed the students how to use the school’s new Echo watches to calculate their heart rate after their workout. Each student receives a data sheet to record their personal and class averages, along with the scores that appear the most throughout the class.

Splitting into small groups, the students spent several minutes at each of the four stations in the circuit. The equipment includes six exercise balls with mats, eight resistance tubing bands, six trampolines and six Airdyne exercise bikes, along with the 40 Echo watches. Mr. Nemeth said that third, fourth and fifth grade students at Roxboro Elementary will use the equipment during gym class.

"We're so grateful to PPG for this incredible donation," said Mr. Nemeth. "The students get a great workout using the circuit, they are able to get creative with their routines at the stations, and plus, they get to apply their math skills when calculating average heart rates. It's a well-rounded, fun lesson!"
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The PPG Foundation presented the school with an $8,000 grant at the Jump Rope for Heart celebration assembly in May. PPG Industries is a global supplier of paints, coatings, specialty materials and more, with several locations in Greater Cleveland.