Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District News Article

School Funding Conversations February 27, March 5

Feb. 18, 2020 -- The Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District will host presentations on public school funding and the EdChoice impact on Thursday, February 27 and Thursday, March 5.

The event on February 27 will take place at Monticello Middle School, and the March 5 event will take place at Noble Elementary School. Both will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a meet-and-greet, where attendees can speak with Board of Education members and District administrators. 
At 7 p.m., Board of Education members and district administrators will explain how school funding works, how EdChoice affects that funding, and why the District will be on the ballot in March, similar to the January 9 presentation at Heights High. Speakers will stay for approximately 30 minutes afterward to speak further with attendees and answer questions.

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