Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District News Article

Video: Digital Video Production (CTE) Students Highlight Instrumental Music Programs

Jan. 4, 2023 -- Two students in the Digital Video Production CTE program had the opportunity to practice the skills they learned during their first semester in the program by filming and producing videos of the Heights High Philharmonic Strings during the dress rehearsal for the ensemble's Fall Concert on November 17, 2022.

Jackson Vogel, a Junior in the program filmed and produced "Heights High Orchestra." The video features the ensemble during their rehearsal warming up and performing a portion of "A Regal March" by Georg Frideric Handel as arranged by Christina Hans.

"The Fall Concert" was filmed and edited by Brendan Price, another Junior in Digital Video Production. This video highlights the extensive process the ensemble goes through for their instruments to be in tune with each other as well as a preview of "Into the Dragon's Den" by Raymond Brown.

The two students thoroughly enjoyed the experience of filming an event as a "one-man band" and were excited that their videos could inspire the community to support the Instrumental Music Department's upcoming concerts. Cynthia Booker, the Digital Video Production teacher, would especially like to thank Daniel Heim, the Director of Orchestras, for allowing her students to film the orchestra students during their dress rehearsal.

The Instrumental Music Department's Midwinter Concert series will take place on February 15 and 16 at 7:00 p.m. at Cleveland Heights High School.

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