Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District News Article

Board of Education Meeting Summary - September 5, 2023

Sept. 6, 2023 -- At the monthly regular Board of Education meeting on September 5, educators from Gearity Professional Development School shared points of pride during the Monthly School Spotlight, CFO Scott Gainer shared his monthly “3 Things” report, and Superintendent Kirby shared school updates.

Meeting Overview    
  • During each Regular Board of Education meeting, representatives from a CH-UH school share points of pride in the Monthly School Spotlight. For September, Gearity Professional Development School Principal Patrick McNichols and STEM teacher Sean Sullivan explained the school’s current STEM certification reauthorization process and the overall STEM curriculum.
  • Superintendent Kirby shared updates on the past month’s work within the five goals of the District’s Strategic Plan.
  • Chief Financial Officer Scott Gainer delivered his “3 Things” report, a monthly initiative to educate stakeholders on school funding. The 3 Things for Septemberwere:
    • Ohio Ethics Commission
    • Employee Code of Conduct
    • Board Policy Ethics/Conflict of Interest

The full meeting video can be found here.

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