Usage Tips


Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Usage Tips

Usage Tips

Tips for downloading and using forms

Word files can be opened in most word processing programs once they have been saved. If clicking on the link does not give you the option to save the file to your computer, try these steps:

  1. Save file to your computer by right-clicking on link and Save Target As...
  2. Start your word processor (Start menu -> Programs ->... or desktop shortcut)
  3. From the File menu of your Word Processor, choose Open
  4. In the show documents of Type popup menu, choose All Documents (or the specific type you saved)
  5. Locate and select the document you saved in step 1 and click on open button

Many of the word files use the Word Form Tool. You can only change the gray shaded areas of the document. Spell checking is not available, but you can type your comments into a separate word document and then paste them into the form after checking for spelling errors.

PDF files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat to print a paper copy for hand entry.

Formatting Tip: If you delete text at the end of a paragraph, make sure you don't select the invisible end of paragraph marker too—that could change the margin settings. If you accidently do that, use undo to restore the margins and text, then delete again without the paragraph marker.

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