
All Schools Closed January 21
The Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District will be closed tomorrow, January 21, due to the dangerously cold temperatures.

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District


About Delisle Options Center



Creating an environment that allows students to explore the true POWER that lies within them.


P Prepare students to be responsible and informed participants in a digital and global society.

O Encourage students to Own the choices they make.

W Instill in students the belief that they are Worthy of receiving and giving respect.

E Encourage students to Endure and remain steadfast to achieve their goals.

R Provide students with and assist them through a Rigorous academic curriculum.


Our fundamental purpose is guided by the following core beliefs:

  • When students understand that staff members care and genuinely have their best interest in mind, they will be receptive to what we have to teach them.
  • It is critical to establish healthy partnerships between our community, staff, students, and families.
  • All students have that ability and desire to be world-class members of a global society.
  • Students and teachers operate best in an environment that promotes mutual respect.
  • A quality education for every student is fundamental to all of our common humanity.

MOTTO: “Resiliency Builds Character”

Student Goals

Self-Respect and Respect

Students will develop or maintain a sense of self-respect and respect for others. In order to get respect one must give respect.


Students will develop or maintain a confidence in their own abilities. In order to achieve personal goals one must believe that they can be successful.


Students will have a vision for their life. In order to have a vision one must understand that they have a purpose in life.


Students will prepare to make sure that they achieve their personal goals. In order to achieve personal goals one must plan and monitor their progress along the way.


Students will remain determined to make sure that they achieve their personal goals. No personal goals will be achieved if you are not relentless in making sure that it happens.

At a Glance

Delisle Options Center
14780 Superior Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Phone: 216-320-2390
Fax: 216-320-2391
To notify of a student absence, please call: 216-320-2398
School Hours (Monday - Friday)
8:30 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Interactive Map
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