Discipline Task Force


Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Discipline Task Force

Discipline Task Force

The CH-UH Discipline Task Force was created in November 2017 and currently includes 11 representatives.

The purpose of the Discipline Task Force is to use data to promote, support and monitor a culture where discipline is issued fairly and justly and without regard to race, color, gender, national origin or disability while incorporating Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions (PBIS).

The Discipline Task Force will:
  • Aid in the development of a Code of Student Conduct.
  • Recommend a draft Code of Student Conduct to the Superintendent and CH-UH Board of Education for consideration and approval.
  • Review discipline data quarterly.

District Discipline Supervisor:
Reggie Williams
2155 Miramar Blvd.
University Heights, OH 44118
[email protected]
(216) 320-2070

Task Force Members

  Felisha Gould  Lisa Hunt 
Jillian Alli
Chris Cook
Felisha Gould
Lisa Hunt
 Behavior Specialist Alternative to Expulsion Instructor
Asst. Superintendent of Educational Services
 Family Engagement Specialist

Karen Liddell-Anderson
Karen Rego
Karen Liddell-Anderson
Brigitte Pronty
Karen Rego
Paul Rusinko
Director of Student Services
 Asst. Principal, Monticello Middle School President, Cleveland Heights Teachers UnionCoordinator of Student Services 

Randy Stokes
 Reggie Williams
Randy StokesTiffiny UnderhileReggie Williams
 Security/Union Liaison Officer Vice President, Cleveland Heights Teachers Union
Discipline Supervisor

Task Force Meetings

April 20, 2022
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