
All Schools Closed January 21
The Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District will be closed tomorrow, January 21, due to the dangerously cold temperatures.

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District


About Monticello Middle

Serving Heights Families Since 1926!

Monticello Middle School Welcome to Monticello! Monticello Middle School has been serving the citizens of Cleveland Heights and University Heights since 1926. Located on Monticello Boulevard in the city of Cleveland Heights, Monticello Middle School serves students in grades six through eight. Our motto is Monticello: Where learners become leaders! 
Monticello is an authorized International Baccalaureate World School offering the Middle Years Programme (MYP), serving the Heights community within this framework since 2017. The IB Program enhances the work our district staff began in 2013 developing strong professional learning communities and quality formative assessment practices. The MYP model provides a comprehensive instructional framework that emphasizes rigorous study, quality assessment practices, and a focus on providing relevance within a global context. 
Monticello implements AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) at the seventh & eighth grade level. The power of AVID is the ability to impact students in the AVID class and all students throughout the campus. AVID has an effect on the entire school by providing classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students.  
For more information regarding Monticello Middle School, please contact our Main Office at (216) 371-6520 or Dr. Johnston, Principal, at (216) 320-3700.

At a Glance

Monticello Middle School
3665 Monticello Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44121

Phone: 216-371-6520
To notify of a student absence, please call: 216-397-3613

School Hours (Monday - Friday)
8:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
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