Master Teacher

All Schools Closed January 21
The Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District will be closed tomorrow, January 21, due to the dangerously cold temperatures.

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Master Teacher

Master Teacher Information

A master teacher demonstrates excellence inside and outside of the classroom through consistent leadership and focused collaboration to maximize student learning. A master teacher strives for distinguished teaching and continued professional growth as specified by the Standards for Ohio Teachers. (Ohio Department of Education, Spring 2010)


Master Teacher candidates, who have worked at least seven years under a teaching contract, apply to earn this designation through a portfolio they will develop throughout the school year. There are five focus areas in the portfolio that need to be supported by evidence: Consistent Leadership; Focused Collaboration; Distinguished Teaching – Focus on Students and Environment; and Continued Professional Growth. There is no cost to apply, but to be done properly the portfolio will take some time to prepare.

In recognition of the time spent assembling a portfolio, participants can earn PDUs: 60 PDUs for initial designation which equals 2 credits or 30 PDUs for renewals which equal 1 credit.  

Also, advanced professional licenses will be the preferred requirements for teacher leadership positions in the district. In the upcoming years, the pool of teachers with these licenses may be sought to fill mentor and coaching positions, as well as team/grade level leadership opportunities.


Informational Meeting

- learn more about what is expected

Letter of Intent to sign up 

- letter of intent

- a form that helps the committee prepare for the needs of the candidates

First Monday in December

Candidate Monthly Support Sessions

- a forum to help candidates and get feedback

- Google Meet links will be shared

Application Deadline

- portfolio and all supporting documentation

First Monday in May

Notification of Results to Candidates

Look for more information on our district website by following the Human Resources link under the "District" tab or view the Ohio Department of Education website at under “Teaching” tab or search for “Master Teacher”.
View a presentation about the Master Teacher Renewal Program.
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